Summer Ice Cubes
In this picture are blueberry, mint, and lemon ice cubes. You can place ice cubes in different glasses for use with sparkling water or lemonade. Or.. you can make your own variety with strawberries, mixed berries, orange slices, etc... Get creative! Personally, I prefer sparkling water with mint cubes and lime cubes. It's my "Lo-cal virgin mojito".
mint ice cubes: Add several mint leaves in hot water until water gets enough minty flavor (take out the leaves because they turn dark) Add fresh mint leaves to the mint-flavored water once it cools down and freeze
lemon ice cubes: Add lemon juice and lemon slices to water and freeze
blueberry ice cubes: Add fresh blueberries to water and freeze.
Finally...something I can use the mint leaves for...I have mint growing in front of my bedroom window. I have seltzer too!!